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Trek Touch-up Paint - Gloss Blue Color Collection Alpine Blue

Marca: TREK

Referencia: 5286696

17,49 €
17,49 €
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+ 1,50 €


Touch-up scratches and blemishes on your bike with factory-approved paint. Find your bike on Trekbikes.com, then locate the Bike Tech section near the bottom of the page. The correct touch-up paint for your bike is called out in the technical information.


Más información

Comes in a 30 ml / 1 oz bottle with a brush in the cap

All-in-one paint color and clearcoat for a single-stage application

For best results follow the application instructions PDF

Ensure the touch-up paint color and finish match the bike color and finish

For the longest shelf-life, store in a cool, dry location out of direct sunlight

Paint is custom formulated to closely match the original bike color and finish

Weather and UV exposure can affect the bike color and impair a perfect match

If the bike was in a crash, bring it to an authorized retailer for evaluation


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